FTC Finalizes Order Banning Deceptive Marketing by Supplement Seller

The Federal Trade Commission has finalized an administrative consent order against two Texas-based companies and their owner who are permanently banned from advertising or selling dietary supplements, and from making claims that their products treat, cure, or reduce the risk of disease. Today’s action stems from an administrative complaint the FTC filed in November 2020 against Health Research Laboratories, LLC, Whole Body Supplements, LLC, and their owner and officer Kramer Duhon.

The complaint alleged the Health Research Laboratories respondents made unsubstantiated claims that their supplements — The Ultimate Heart Formula (UHF), BG18, and Black Garlic Botanicals — prevent or treat cardiovascular and other diseases, and that their supplement Neupathic cures, mitigates, or treats diabetic neuropathy.

The Commission vote approving final consent order was 5-0. The FTC responded to one public commenter.

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